A customer left me a really poor review which is very unfair! I answered her as best I could and I was honest and straightforward with her, but I don’t think I gave her the answer she wanted. Can you remove it please?

MysticSense Support
Last Updated: 10 months ago

Our Poor Reviews Policy:

We know that customers' poor reviews can sometimes seem very unfair however, we have to tread a very fine line between the customer and you, the psychic. When we do not publish poor reviews it can and does upset the customers who often complain if their feedback is not shown. They also then start to lose trust in our brand if we only publish good reviews. It looks false and we pride ourselves on being honest.

The only times we do NOT publish poor reviews are when:

  • The review is abusive, contains expletives and/or aggressive language. This can be extended to using such words as “rubbish”, “fake” or “useless” which we would regard as abusive. If comments are carefully considered and make a reasonable argument then these are much more likely to be approved.

  • The review does not tell other customers why the experience was bad, for example “this was a bad reading”. Constructive detail is far more likely to result in review approval.

  • The review relates to a technical issue or the need for a refund. Not being able to connect with a psychic because there was a technical issue should not result in them being given a bad review.

Most psychics can expect one or two poor ones from time to time so please be tolerant as it is almost inevitable in this business, particularly if you tell someone something they do not want to hear. Also, you might want to consider telling them ahead of the reading that they may get an answer they don’t like but it is given from a place of honesty.

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