How can I become a “Top Rated Psychic” on Mysticsense?

MysticSense Support
Last Updated: 3 years ago

If you become a Top Rated Psychic with us, your profile will always be at the top of the list of psychics when you are online. In future, we will also have a badge which will show your status. Obviously the benefits for you are that you will get more calls and we will ask you to raise your rates according to this new status in order to create a fairer playing field for those who are not top rated.

Please note that we have created a couple of conditions for becoming a top rated seller based on average ratings and numbers of reviews. These criteria are subject to change and at Mysticsense, we will change them as we feel is necessary.

It is possible that your rating might fall below our criteria if you get some poor reviews, and your top rated status will be removed. However with more good reviews, your overall rating will increase and so you will become top rated again.

We would ask that you accept that this is ultimately our decision and removal of a top rated seller rating is non-negotiable. We would also refer you to “Our Poor Reviews Policy”.

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